Sunday, November 28, 2010


To do VUWFDC...

-Zone and WCN logos at the bottom.
-Finish the photo albums
=Get all images the same size on title.
=Finalize photos and database.
=Executive resources finished-> have a facility to upload meeting minutes?
=Get Image size on display place/uniformity
-Finalize design for the admin page and get it functioning
=add all functionality
=Modify the change training time page to be easier to work ie so it dislays
-Potential for having a preview. ???
-Get more photos/ send out emails
-Finish the exec profiles and player profiles
-Get some images/ make site more visually stimulating
-Calendar function...
-add blog/wiki element to the site ie news page on front page.
=This would have to have editing function but it depends how far you want to take it... You could have it so only the exec could edit it, which would work fine for news but wiki/story aspect would be just carnage... to have it good would have to have a current user protcol to tell who can edit things... just done in the login and set session variable.


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